A new C++ version called Fluid Flux Plugin is currently being developed. The new version is nearly complete, and it will be available early next year (2025).

For now, I can only present a short list of differences in the first release of the Plugin:

  • Improved usability, enhanced editor tools, and better integration with Unreal Engine UI
  • Simulation domain implemented in Niagara and new spline modifier
  • Whole blueprints code rewritten to C++ (Github access)
  • Improved performance (mainly CPU related)
  • Better sequencer support

The Fluid Flux Plugin will be primarily targeted at larger studios and experienced developers, and it will be released as a separate product on FAB. While it’s not exclusive, please note that modifying the C++ version will require programming skills and some extra work on transferring existing projects, which I did not want to force on current Fluid Flux users.

What about Blueprints after the Plugin release

Many concerned developers ask about the blueprint branch of the Fluid Flux. The excellent information is that The new programmer has joined to work on C++, so I can still focus on updating blueprints. 
I plan to continue adding new features and enhancing tools as long as possible.

However, I am unable to tell for how long I can support two different branches of the product. I will evaluate the situation after one year from the Plugin release (early 2026). A possible scenario is that I will switch focus to the C++ version and only provide minor improvements and engine-related updates to the blueprints. However, my final decision depends on many factors, such as:

  • Interest in Pluign in comparison to the Blueprint version. If most users decide to switch and prefer to use Plugin, then there is no reason to continue development.
  • Whether the BP version can still evolve, the blueprint’s limitations block many features, and at some point, adding another workaround may be too problematic.
  • The complexity of transferring asset-related changes between the two versions. It may be exaggerated significantly when the differences between the two branches of the project are growing.

This information may concern those who have already invested in the Blueprints version of my product and are now interested in using the Plugin. I understand that, and I am looking into possible discounts for current owners of Fluid Flux.

However, there are also some voices of dissatisfaction in reviews that I feel obligated to address by reminding that:

I sell the products ‘as is,’ and customers should base their decision on the product’s current state (demo and feature set), not on theirs future expectations or announced features.

I don’t sell promises, future versions, my free time, or lifetime updates. I also don’t work for markeptlace clients. Please avoid basing your project’s timeline on unreleased features.

Every update is an additional effort driven by my passion for creating. Being obligated to complete something by a specific deadline can cause stress, and I prefer to avoid it.


Thank you for understanding