Fluid Flux 2.0 Release Notes


Fluid Flux continues development and brings even more helpful tools to users. The 2.0 release delivers further improvements to facilitate a vast feature set that is robust, workflow-friendly, and versatile while keeping the needs of different sectors in mind. 

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Fluid Flux Update 1.1


I am happy to introduce the first update of the Fluid Flux system. During development, I was focused on improving tools and fixing bugs. All changes are listed below.

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Infinity Weather Update 1.1


Infinity Weather update 1.1 is ready now! A full list of changes is available on Trello.

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Infinity Weather released


My newest package called “Infinity Weather” is available on the unreal marketplace now.

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Solder – DXR Spotlight Contest Raytracing Demo


I am very happy to introduce my new game demo created especially for the NVIDIA spotlight contest.

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Ice Cool released


I am pleased to inform that the package Ice Cool is already available on the marketplace. [Link]

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Volumetric Glass Showcase


New package is coming very soon 🙂 Just waiting for final review.

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Glitchphobia was my first game created for Epc MegaJam it was really fun experience and great opportunity to check skills and speed programing.

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Aquatic Surface – Update 1.2


Update 1.2 is ready now. One of the biggest change is new blueprint BP_AquaticSimulation that implements the simulated interactions between the water surface and environment objects.

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Weapon FOV feature


I’ve spent some time on R&D focused on resolving a few important problems with FPP weapon/hands in UE4. A material node that I’ve implemented is an (I believe better) alternative to commonly used “Panini projection” node known from Unreal Tournament project.

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Aquatic Surface Mobile and VR?


Why not? 🙂  I’ve just spent two days on preparing VR and mobile support in Aquatic Surface it looks like all features works. A new update is coming soon I just have to add another feature – character interaction.

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Aquatic Surface – Coming soon


My new water package is coming really soon. List of features is huge read more on the documentation page.

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